Fuck your guns

CW: Guns

To all the good people in the US. All the good people who have overseen and celebrated the gun population exceed the human population. Congratulations.

"Darwin" is the only tool (or foil) you need to justify any perversion you've imagined. Your imagined "Darwin's theory of evolution" as falsehood permits any anti-scientific educational agenda that encourages superstition and superficial thinking to thrive. Your imagined "Darwin's theory of evolution" as truth insists on regressive agricultural/ecological (Adam's dominion over the animals) and economic (suvivial of the fittest is the the law of nature (?) so therefore must be the law of society somehow(?)) systems.

After our latest tragedy, unique, but still so common, gun sales will increase as you rush to defend their status. This means that even if not intentionally, functionally, they feed on human lives.

It's amazing what your singular blunt superficial folklore presentation of a theory, both as false and true can justify.

Might I permit one more. For the ones who value the gun population more than the human one, please fuck your guns. Please don't misunderstand. I mean this quite literally. Bend whatever protocol and doctrine you know as much as you've bent the pinch of scientific inquiry you've allowed, and use it the same way. Use it backwards and forwards. Allow it to bulldoze any notions of "thou shalt nots" ye hold weakly, and go to fucking town.

We've been identifying and actively trying to make progress. But more often than not, we've already explained it well enough. For some reason, we still need approval to make society better, and honestly, I'd rather answer to your betters.

So please, here is your chance, allow guns to become the apex predators they're meant to be. They already won. Join with them. Fuck your guns.