Stateless, Classless, Anticapitalist Programming


URLs - Universal resource locators and links to them should remain useful. Routing tests can be owned outside of engineering, but through a common tool. The less data we collect, and the more we act as a computing power, the easier this is. Brochure sites are one vision of this realized, but so could be "compute" as a resource. There are options. When we have urls that don't act consistently, we should ask why. If the answer is because we need to own a piece of someone, maybe we can judge ourselves a little more harshly.


OO is a tyranny. Functions (in the math sense of inputs mapped to outputs) can transparently do some interesting things. We can set type definitions. We can do type arithmetic. We can cache and tabulate results. We can compose and chain functions together. The same can be true of URLs without state.


The caps lock is a prime piece of real estate that could be better used as a ctrl key. This makes the "read line" interface (available in editors, the terminal, and many programs on a mac) more practical to use. Also, ctrl is useful for a lot of windows shortcuts or using tmux. Also worth noting, you don't have to upper case sql statements a lot of the time, or, the "HEAD" as in `git reset head`.

(also maybe smash the state and abolish billionaires)